Year 1 - 2

The Early Years at Emmanuel College are full of fun-filled learning experiences. Our goal is that all Early Years students should love coming to school. The classrooms are vibrant, happy and active rooms. 

The caring nature of our school is evident in relationships between both teachers and students, teachers and parents, and amongst students. We continually encourage positive attitudes and behavior to build a positive school culture so that everyone feels happy and secure at school.

The early years are the critical building blocks for your child’s future and at Emmanuel College. We value and nurture the unique personality, gift and educational journey of each child and whilst the emphasis is on fun, play participation and movement, our Early Years students have a sports session and dedicated PE lesson each week. 

Early Years students also participate with their parents, in three "fun" carnivals each year - Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics and there is a variety of after-school activity clubs for students in the Early Years age bracket. 

Emmanuel College boasts a very strong Literacy and Numeracy Program and we believe in a many-facetted educational approach. Year One and Two students also attend specialist Music, Choral, Sport, Swimming (in Term 1 and 4), Design and Technology and Library lessons each week as well as attending Chapel Services and Assemblies. 

Emmanuel College has a strong focus in individual student care and teachers work diligently to identify and cater to the needs of the individual student. Extension classes are available to students from Year 2 onwards as well as extension work as coordinated by our Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator.

Year One and Two classrooms at Emmanuel College are vibrant, happy and active rooms.