Our Staff

Emmanuel College has around 230 staff on campus, including a number of music tutors and sports coaches. Current Emmanuel College families can access the full list of staff and staff contact details on our intranet, Schoolbox.

We are committed to hiring staff who demonstrate excellence in their field, who are prepared to commit wholeheartedly to the values and ethos of the College, and who confess to a personal Christian faith. Emmanuel College staff are associated with a range of Christian denominations including Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox.

Dan Brown
Deputy Principal
Gordon Johnstone
Business Manager
Phil O'Connor
Head of Josiah College
Lisa Fife
Head of Junior School
Jason Hewitt
Head of Senior School
Dan Miller
Head of Strategy & Innovation
Dan Pearson
Leadership Development Team
Director of Learning and Teaching (Prep-Year 6)
Jeremy Cook
Director of Pastoral Care (Prep-Year 6)
Carla Stanley and Rod Newth
Director of Studies – Curriculum (Years 7-12)
Peter Robertson
Director of Studies – Learning (Years 7-12)
Bec Power
Director of Pastoral Care (Years 7-12)
Lisa Gair and Belinda Maslen
Director of Studies – Operations (Years 7-12)
Sarah Collins
Director of Sport
Scott Ramsay
Director of Performing Arts
Rachael Hayes
Director of Faith & Character
Eli Shambrook
Director of People & Culture
Andrew Tilsley
Director of Digital Learning
Mal Galer
Non-Teaching Staff
Athletics Coach / Director of Performance (Sport)
David Reid
Aquatics Centre Manager
Ali Mitchell
Canteen Manager
Sally Meek
Clinic Lead Nurses
Orla Curtin | Nicole Coombs
College Shop
Gayle Sims | Angela Hall
Gym Supervisor / Personal Trainer
Mark Richardson
Dance Principal
Megan Smith
Enrolments Registrar
Sharon Vincent
Events & Community Relations Coordinator
Fiona Gregory
Little e's Kindergarten
Elishe Phipson
Marketing & Communications Manager
Julie Scott
Payroll Officer
Julia Goodwin
Performing Arts Administrator
Jane Allen
Personal Assistant to the Head of Junior School
Sally Palmer
Personal Assistant to the Principal
Elaine Partridge
Professional Assistant to the Deans of Years 7-12
Carol Gerada
Property Manager
Scott Thompson
Student Services
Lauren Wood | Tanya Anderson | Jessie McLean
Sports Office
Cathy King | Lyndall Robinson
Swim Coach (Head)
Graham Walker